Saturday, January 20, 2007

Eragon Concept Art 2

Eragon Concept Art 1

Friday, January 19, 2007

Video Game Concept Art

EragonDS and "Other" 3D Work

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Testing testing 123...

Just checking to see if I still know how to use this thing.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

WMD Found!

So of course it is not mainstream news since the media is so subconsciously slanted to the left. However there have been WMD's found in Iraq. They appear to be the vintage of the early 90's. which mean Hussein was lying to inspectors, It also means he lied on his declarations to the UN. Coincidentally, This means Bush didn't lie. The intel was accurate. So take a hike you leftists cooks, go spew your American hating rhetoric somewhere else, I am not in the mood.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Kirby Puckett gone...

When I was a kid I used to collect baseball cards, this was in the late 80's, right as the production amounts of cards were getting so big that their value was practically worthless, But they were still fun to collect, and at an age where i was supposed to be memorizing times tables, and verbs and conjugations, etc. I was memorizing RBI's and Batting avg.'s I was finding hereo's, and one of them was Kirby Puckett. This guy was amazing cuz he could crank that ball harder than anything, I swear I was waiting for the cork to get shoved out thru the lacing after Kirby connected. I am sorry to see him go, he was a hereo to me when i was a kid and probably a lot others.

Broke Back "CRASHED" he he

Well it is nice to know that Crash got the recognition it deserves. Best picture over its competitor, the infamous Broke Back Mountain. I was very concerned that politics was going to decide the out come of awards as it has in some recent past years. It was also cool to see March of the Penguins recieve an award for best documentary (cool because it didn't have to compete with bull shit documentaries like Farenheit 911.)

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Nuthin lately

I have absolutely nothing of any interest to talk about, but I wanted to check in real quick and let everyone know I hadn't dropped off the face of the earth, or lost interest in my blog. Work has been busy, and I have not been listening to the news on my way to work so I haven't had anything to get all bugged about. see you later.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

The Hard Decision

I decided last night that it was the wrong time for my wife and I to be on the television show, Montel Williams. My poor wife has been on more buisiness trips and our vacation to Hong Kong took alot out of both of us. The trip to New York would be a wham bam experience, not too mention the stress of just doing the show even if it were in our own backyard. For me, I can use a little more time, and get thru the steps further. I don't think that is enough of a reason by it's self not to go, but it is another "straw" so to speak. As well as my family wiggin out, and most of my friends being 50 50 on the whole event. Sarah wants to be here for her brother who just suffered the loss of his friend. One of my main reasons for wanting to go was simply, that I wanted the experience, and I was challenged on that, I was judged as if that was a bad thing. So I would have like a little more time for myself to shore up my reasonings and not allow other people to bully my decisions around, which ultimately has helped in the decision changeing. I know it will happen again, the oppurtunity that is, and I have learned alot from this process. One thing I learned is to keep my business to myself, because all of the opinions just made it harder, all the fears of others that I had to listen to, all the judgemnets. etc. One of the counselors that was to be on the show seems like a real tool any how. There were alot of friends that supported us. They should not be discounted. I appreciate them for letting me learn for myself what is right and wrong.