Thursday, February 23, 2006

The Hard Decision

I decided last night that it was the wrong time for my wife and I to be on the television show, Montel Williams. My poor wife has been on more buisiness trips and our vacation to Hong Kong took alot out of both of us. The trip to New York would be a wham bam experience, not too mention the stress of just doing the show even if it were in our own backyard. For me, I can use a little more time, and get thru the steps further. I don't think that is enough of a reason by it's self not to go, but it is another "straw" so to speak. As well as my family wiggin out, and most of my friends being 50 50 on the whole event. Sarah wants to be here for her brother who just suffered the loss of his friend. One of my main reasons for wanting to go was simply, that I wanted the experience, and I was challenged on that, I was judged as if that was a bad thing. So I would have like a little more time for myself to shore up my reasonings and not allow other people to bully my decisions around, which ultimately has helped in the decision changeing. I know it will happen again, the oppurtunity that is, and I have learned alot from this process. One thing I learned is to keep my business to myself, because all of the opinions just made it harder, all the fears of others that I had to listen to, all the judgemnets. etc. One of the counselors that was to be on the show seems like a real tool any how. There were alot of friends that supported us. They should not be discounted. I appreciate them for letting me learn for myself what is right and wrong.


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