Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Kirby Puckett gone...

When I was a kid I used to collect baseball cards, this was in the late 80's, right as the production amounts of cards were getting so big that their value was practically worthless, But they were still fun to collect, and at an age where i was supposed to be memorizing times tables, and verbs and conjugations, etc. I was memorizing RBI's and Batting avg.'s I was finding hereo's, and one of them was Kirby Puckett. This guy was amazing cuz he could crank that ball harder than anything, I swear I was waiting for the cork to get shoved out thru the lacing after Kirby connected. I am sorry to see him go, he was a hereo to me when i was a kid and probably a lot others.

Broke Back "CRASHED" he he

Well it is nice to know that Crash got the recognition it deserves. Best picture over its competitor, the infamous Broke Back Mountain. I was very concerned that politics was going to decide the out come of awards as it has in some recent past years. It was also cool to see March of the Penguins recieve an award for best documentary (cool because it didn't have to compete with bull shit documentaries like Farenheit 911.)

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Nuthin lately

I have absolutely nothing of any interest to talk about, but I wanted to check in real quick and let everyone know I hadn't dropped off the face of the earth, or lost interest in my blog. Work has been busy, and I have not been listening to the news on my way to work so I haven't had anything to get all bugged about. see you later.