Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Broke Back Oscar's

Are you kidding me? 8 Oscar nominee's? Now I Admit, I have not seen Broke Back Mountain yet. I am waiting for it to come out on DVD. Primarily because it is too political a film. I did the same for The Passion, and For Farenheit 911. These movies are important movies, This I do not dispute but to go see them in the theatres, seems to say that you support it some how. And I did not support either of those afforto mentioned movies. But the question I have is, wether or not this movie truly is the "Best Picture" of 2005? Was Heath Ledger the "Best Actor" of 2005? Not even close. Now I know some people might challenge me and say that I am only disagreeing based on the fact that some are calling it a "Gay Movie". Well, the people that really know me know that I do not care about such trivial matters. I have many gay friends and they surely know that I support gay rights. However, I believe in a bigger picture that Holly wood is trying to create here, in the fact that politics has now entered into the Oscars like never before. It seems to me, that the Academy cares little for quality, and more for impact, the mainstream big name nature of this movie has enough momentum of its own to officially open the gay niche to mainstream. It doesn't need the help of 8 nominations. I only hope it does not recieve all 8. It most certainly will recieve some, but hopefully the hard work and talent and creativity of the other movies that used the old tried and proven methods and stoylines will recieve their due as well. Another example of how "anything is art" except the old stuff. Once again, it is only in pushing the enveolope that "true art progressess" (catch my sarcasm)


Blogger sketchtopia said...

So I wonder what is worse, that I posted my opinion based on not seeing a movie,( as I have been accused of) or that the accuser says I am not allowed to have my opinion, and I allowed it to be seen. First of all, it is my blog, I can do what ever I want. Nanny nanny poo poo pants. Everything I post is for the sake of what ever I want it to be for the sake of.
It is very easy to say that Heath Ledger is not worthy of the "Best Actor" Oscar because although I have not seen this particular movie, I have seen almost all of his movies in the past, as well as a majority of the movies that were made in 2005 that would have been looked at by the Academy
(if they were edgy and racy enough) and Heath's performance is RARELY Oscar worthy, and any number of other movies would posses better actors, and better picture. So it is in that way that I am credible.
Incedentaly, your response was a response for the sake of having a response. ( seeing as it is your first response to my 20th.)

3:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sketch, you are missing a very important point... Heath Ledger is a DREAM BOAT!!! Hell, he should run for President based on his Broke Back performance. Best acting i have ever seen ;D

3:12 PM  
Blogger sketchtopia said...

You are so right. giggity giggity.

3:14 PM  

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