Saturday, January 28, 2006

Dumb Drunk Guy

So tonight I was on my way to my meeting in Spanaway (which in and of itself is a feet of danger and daring, that are of Puget Sound is quite rundown) and I was pulling up to an intersection. As I was doing so, I noticed the thunderbird in front of me weaving left to right on the road. I really didn’t think much of it, thinking that perhaps he was just changing a CD or answering a cell phone. You know how we all can get a little wobbly while we are answering our phone, changing our CD’s, and drinking our Latte’s all at the same time. But when the light at the intersection turned red, this dumb ass did not stop. In fact he plowed right into the car in front of him. This happened right in front of me and I waited to see the drivers get out and start to do the routine of exchanging info. But it was then that it dawned on me that this guy was toasted out of his gourd. This thought was enforced by the guys in the car behind me who mentioned that they had already called the cops on him when he rear ended someone else earlier in the night. Then suddenly, the girl that was in the car that was hit, shouted not to let him get away. This guy actually had the nerve to try and drive away. The cops had just shown up right as the thunderbird swerved out into the other lane and took off! The cops hadn’t realized this, so I jumped in my truck and chased after him, but unfortunately, I lost sight of him immediately because I was trying to make sure I didn’t hit any one else, and obey the lights. But the story has a happy ending, for as I was turning around and heading off to my original destination, I saw a cop car speeding past me in the direction of the thunderbird. Another drunk off the road.
I don’t really know why that is such a big issue too me, but I hate drunk drivers. Admittedly, I myself drove intoxicated once when I was in the Marines. But I was so scared, and so un-able to stay in control of the vehicle that I never did it again. And I had enough sense to eventually pull over into a super market and walk the rest of the way to the barracks. I retrieved my car the next day. Every time I hear of friends doing it, I chastise them for it; I certainly let it be known that I do not see that as responsible behavior. There are a lot of things that are funny, and childish, and irresponsible, yet don’t harm anyone. Sitting around and laughing about how tanked you were driving home one night is not one of them. Any how, that was the excitement for the evening.


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