Thursday, January 26, 2006

Why Does Defining Art Matter?

Well in the words of Saladin, in Kingdom of Heaven, when Orlando Bloom asks him what is so important with Jerusalem?
"Nothing.... Everything!"

It is important to know where you stand, what you are creating and why you are creating it. For what purpose and for what use.
I am not necessarily stating that lines should be drawn in the sand, or that a war is in our midsts. I am merely trying to bring about awareness. In other discussions, there has been much ado about the political nature of this kind of discussion. That is not the case in the way I look at this topic. We, Society, have been in a seemingly grid locked debate about what is art. The most popular answer seems to say that everything is art. The problem with that answer is that, a majority of the time, this is not truly what they mean. When groups that follow the " everything is art" ideal are looked at closer, what they are really saying is that anything PROGRESSIVE is art. Anything that does not "move art forward" is looked down upon. In other words, the traditional, classical, realists. In some arguments, they are called Kitsch, tacky, even ugly.
My job, I feel, is to present to you some new ways of thinking around these subjects, not to make you choose, but to just be aware. Commercial art, for example is not seen as fine art. However, the high society that supports supposedly "fine" art, will allow commercial art to be considered art, albeit a lesser art. Well, thank you very much, but I will just prefer to not be an "artist" but a craftsman. Illustrators have had to be dead forever to be considered "artists” at least in order to be put in galleries or museums, as if that is something to boast about.
Be an artist if you must, be a craftsman if you must. But know the difference; know where you stand in the society that will label you. And even though you might think labels are unimportant, that does not change the fact that they are there. As an artist, or a craftsman, it is my duty to be real. And sometimes I have both hats on. But they are distinct hats. And that is vitally important to understand. It will make you that much more powerful an artist or craftsman. Of course as most of my posts are, this one is quick, random, and all over the place, so respond with questions and clarifications.


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