Tuesday, January 31, 2006

All This Spying Hoopla

This whole subject I have kinda stayed way from. Mainly because I don't really know which way to go on it. I don't naturally align with every right wing concept. I don't always go blindly into fire at the request of my govornment. My days doing that are over (Marines). However, I get really apprehensive when I listen to the left, or any of the liberal and especially the social democrats views. Neither side has convinced me. ANd usually in that case I feel the need to just keep it as is until such time as I can be convincingly swayed. One thing I know is this. The constituion, the Bill of Rights, all of our early documents, had one underlining and important characteristic in their design. Do not leave the trust soley up to the govornement. Make sure the people can always stay in control. So far, according to all evidence I have seen, which is not necessarily all of it, there have been very few cases of the FISA courts turning down requests for wire tapping. so that makes me wonder what the need is for the President to have to bipass the courts. It will be interesting to listen to the State of the Union Address tonite to see what President Bush says.


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