Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Back From Hong Kong.

Of course I had to start off by showing the picture of me in the Bentley. It, sadly, was one of the highlights of my trip. Being the materialistic SOB that I am, it wasn’t the culture, it wasn’t the sites, it wasn’t the food (GOD it wasn’t the food, I really don’t like Chinese food.) It was the Bentley that belonged to my friend’s father that he let me and my gorgeous date take from the reception to our hotel. Look at that photo; I belong in one of those cars.
Anyhow, the trip was a blast, and the sites were incredible. I took over a thousand photographs. The very first day that we were there, we got to take helicopters to the island of Macau, which is owned by the Portuguese and is primarily gambling. The second day we explored the tall buildings of Macau and went shopping. Two things that are in abundance in Hong Kong, shopping, and eating.
The third day was the wedding, which was incredible. The location was at our friends grandfathers house, there was a string quartet, which was comprised of members of the Philharmonic, I will include some of those photos as well in this. After the wedding, we were all escorted in a procession of Mercedes to the restaurant, which of course was on the top of some high rise in downtown. Where the food was excellent, the drinks had been flown in from Switzerland. This type of entertaining and luxury went on the entire time, and the scenery was gorgeous, I will wrap it up here and post a bunch of the photos


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