Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Yes I know I am a little late on this subject, but I was iffy on whether or not to even say anything. But finally today, after seeing the direction the nutty media was going to take the whole event, I couldn’t hold my piece any longer. Ok, so he shot a guy, that sucks, and he waited a day to tell the people, who cares? It is not a matter of national security; it is a matter of a private event. And the situation was not held “secret” as house minority and big mouth, Harry Reed said today. It was merely held on to out of respect for the people involved. I find it interesting how one minute the media, the libs, whoever, want to chastise the administration for trying to be in our every day lives, yet they get all up in arms if they can’t be in the private lives of public figures. Personally, I was surprised this wasn’t painted as some kind of gun rights issue. Here you have the second most powerful member of the administration, a card carrying republican member of the NRA, blows a hole in the chest of his comrade and does not have his card on him. I would have chased that down. But true to the liberal medias form, they are never in touch with the people, nor do they care to be, and they are un predictable as hell.


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