Thursday, February 16, 2006

"Dick" is an Evil Thief

I am very sad this morning. A good friend of mine was the victim of identity fraud. And the real disconcerting part is that it was done by another friend of mine, We will call him "Dick". I have known Dick for 5 years now, he was my first manager when I moved here from Hawaii and the military. He was a really nice guy. He liked to move from job to job alot, but he always seemed to have some kind of plan or method to his madness. Recently his mother passed away and left him a large sum of money. My other friend, we will call "Bob", is an artist, and was in partnership with Dick creating paintings. Well recently a bounced check showed up in "Bob's" account, and upon further research, discovered to his horror that he was overdrawn 30,000 dollars in one account, and 2,000 in another. Dick is no where to be seen or heard. His lease is up in two weeks, but since he used part of the money to buy a car, we figure (speculation) he has skipped the state. He was supposed to be in the process of moving to south Oregon, but Bob has not heard from him in several days. It is also speculation that after recieveing such a large amount of money in his inheritance, that Dick got into gambling. As any important new developments make there way to me, I will post them, but for now the plan is to wait, and pursue him legally. He has done enough damage to be put away for quite awhile. Good luck Bob.


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