Friday, February 17, 2006

Early Day.

It is early as hell and I am at my sister in laws house waiting to take them to the airport. Nothing really exciting going on at 5 in the morning, usually I am just getting up at this time. It is really cold outside and windy. I hate the wind, it reminds me of my home town and how windy t was there. It used to be so windy that it would tear the roofs off of buildings. Anyhow, I am here with my niece and nephew trying to explain “blogs” and they are trying to explain how they use the computer and the internet to do their homework. Funny how tech we can be and completely misunderstand how another person is “techy” even an 8 year old vs. a 29 year old. so that is the thoughts of a person who had to wake up at 4 am.


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