Monday, February 20, 2006

Thanks Mom, Love you too!

So things are very stressful today, mostly emotionally. Recently, my wife and I were given an opportunity to potentially be on The Montel Williams Show. I called my mom to share the news, thinking that she would be supportive, however she was not. She blew her top. She did not believe that I should share “our family’s private lives” with the whole world. Ironically, the next day after I told her, my brother in law approached Sarah at work and said that he had heard that we were going to be on television. That meant that my mom told my brother, who told my brother in law. Interesting to me is that I am the one who is wrong by “potentially” airing family dirty laundry, yet when I asked her to not mention the issue to any one else, she said “well I can’t do anything about Pat, I can’t control who he tells”. What!!? Are you serious? Then what is your deal with me? I know what it is, the privacy that my mom wants to protect, is merely the fact that she rules the roost. All she has to do is cry and everyone drops what they are doing to be there. But not me. And it is the same this time. She hates this whole situation, claiming that I am going to be victimized by sensationalism, abused, etc. That is a cover though, because she also alluded to how bugged she was with her and dad being mentioned. By the way, I have no intention of breaking my mother’s anonymity. Except through association, which seems to be bad enough to her. Any how, I will see how this all turns out. We will find out if we are going to be on the show or not today sometime.


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