Wednesday, February 22, 2006

End DisTruth

I had heard about a bunch of these facts after the Kanye West embarrassment. ( if you don't know what I am talking about look here.) and so I finally found them for myself on someone elses blog. I don't feel like re copying all of the links that back up this persons claims, but it is all there. If you feel there is something that isn't backed up, feel free to let me know and I will get it for you.
The main reason I have posted this, is to help end any remaining bastions of raceism, reverse racesism, or any other predjudice. to do my part towards civil justice and social peace. I am tired of seeing uneducated idiots (that is not racial, because that covers every race, Mr. Sharpton) milk this tired old race card, anytime they do not get there way. One of these days, these people will need to be held accountable for themselves, instead of "the rich" or "the white man" holding them down. And as soon as these same loudmouths can stop calling succesful minorities sellouts and uncle toms, the sooner minority youth will strive to succeed in exponetial numbers.


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